Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Initial Settings Alternative

The Initial Settings Alternative contains the data that set the conditions of certain types of network elements at the beginning of the simulation. For example, a pipe can start in an open or closed position and a pump can start in an on or off condition.

The following buttons are available:

Selection Set: Opens a submenu containing the following options:

  • Create Selection Set—Allows you to create a new selection set.
  • Add to Selection Set—Adds all of the elements in the current tab of the alternative to a previously created selection set that you specify.
  • Remove from Selection Set——Removes all of the elements in the current tab of the alternative from a previously created selection set that you specify.

Select in Drawing: Opens a submenu containing the following options:

  • Select in Drawing—Selects the elements in the current tab of the alternative in the drawing pane.
  • Add to Current Selection—Adds all of the elements in the current tab of the alternative to the group of elements that are currently selected in the Drawing Pane.
  • Remove from Current Selection—Removes the elements in the current tab of the alternative from the group of elements that are currently selected in the Drawing Pane.
  • Select Within Current Selection—Selects the element or elements that are both in the current tab of the alternative and are already selected in the Drawing Pane.

Report: Generates a report containing the data within the current alternative.

Help: Opens the online help.